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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Starting Whole 30

I probably should start my first entry with an 'About Me," but I'd rather not and I figure I'll eventually get around to it. You can guess by the title that I am starting the Whole 30 program. Wednesday I know is a weird day to start but it's what happened to work with my shopping and work schedule. So lets get down to it:

Why am I doing Whole 30?
One thing about me is that I kinda love diets, cleanses, and food in general. I've been a weight watchers member more than once, and can say that it honestly did work pretty well for me. I work at a hospital and for a certain mermaid that sells coffee and at both jobs I've had coworkers that have done the whole 30 and loved it. So why not try it? I've been feeling sluggish lately, and have eaten more Doritos Taco Supreme's then I care to admit, and still have the newlywed nine which may have turned into 11+. So with summer around the corner and my birthday already behind me (I wasn't going to NOT have cake) now seemed like a good time to start.

Do I think that I'll make it the Whole 30 Days?
Well we shall see, honestly I am taking it a week at a time. If I can make it one week then why not go for two? So far the hardest thing to let go of was my morning oatmeal with honey. If I do make it the whole thirty days that will be the first thing back in my life along with chocolate. Working at a hospital it's always cold, so one of my happy comforts is a bowl of warm oatmeal in the morning with some sort of fresh fruit, with brown sugar or honey drizzled over it. Thank goodness I can still have cinnamon!

How did I research the Whole 30?
Mostly through Pinterest and Instagram honestly. My friend Melissa was the first one to link me to an IG user whose food just looked delicious, the user was in the middle of her whole 30, and everything she was eating seemed like foods that I would want to eat. After a Pinterest binge, and Instagram stalking session I thought it would be fun to try, Melissa agreed and we asked my friend Megan as well if she'd like to join so here we are now. We did our shopping and some prep yesterday and we are getting ready to go.

What am I most Excited about?
I want to see if it will kick my sugar cravings and help me get rid of that mid day lull that I seem to always hit. What's funny is that I actually feel like I hit it more on my days off then the days where I work at both jobs. (However that's probably because I down so much caffeine and sugar that I never hit the lull) Dr. Pepper is my main vice, and lately I feel like I drink one and feel lethargic an hour later. I also am hoping that I'll shed a few pounds, and that this new way of eating will hopefully energize me a bit to go to the gym more! Also even though I've never had severe acne, I feel like more so lately my skin hasn't been the greatest. So lets see if this improves it.

So wish me luck on my (hopefully) 30 day journey! I'm going to try and post my shopping list to help other that are thinking about trying the Whole 30.

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